How to claim your listing:

Step 1:
Click Claim Now!
Find your business in our directory. If it’s unclaimed, click the “Claim Now!” button.

Step 2:
Submit Claim Form
Create an account and register. Select your listing plan & fill out the claim form so we can verify your ownership.
If you wish to be able to add more information, add an event, promotion or job listing, we have paid options you can choose from. Click here to learn more about the benefits of each level.

Step 3:
Optimize Your Listing!
(Optional, but highly suggested): Create a profile. Your profile is the first impression you give to the My Jeepney Stop community. Be sure to use a high quality image, and give as much information as you can so everyone can know how great your business is.
It will take 24-36 hours for us to validate your listing. Once approved, your listing will show its “verified” badge!